Two events were organised by the Cypriot partner on two various occasions, which gained public interest.
Erasmus+ Days Festival / 15.10.2022
The first event was at the Erasmus days festival on the 15th of October 2022. The #ErasmusDays 2022 took place on the 13, 14, and 15th of October throughout Europe and also the world! One event that was organized in Cyprus, Nicosia was at Plateia Eleftheria (Freedom square) in Nicosia. This year the main event was organized by the Lifelong Learning Institute and the Youth Board of Cyprus. The event was an excellent opportunity to promote and disseminate the project as many NGOs were present and all the participants were interested in the Mobilities the Erasmus ‘world’ has to offer! During the festival, Emphasys had the opportunity to present the project and its results and play the Fast Forward game with the participants. The participants included NGOs, newly established and also more experienced one. Volunteers from various NGOs who showed a great interest to the project and the fast forward game! During the event a station was setup for Emphasys and the Back2theFuture project were interested participants were informed about the project.
Event at Mall of Cyprus / 22.10.2022
The second event for the Back2theFuture project, was organized on the 22nd of October at the Mall of Cyprus in Nicosia. This event was an excellent opportunity to reach out to young people and other youth organisations who were interested in the Erasmus+ mobilities.
During the event, small workshops were setup for the Back2Future project were the project and its results were presented and the FastForward game was played at the end which intrigued some interesting brainstorming ideas and conversations!
This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.