What is it?
Follow-up explained
Follow up is an activity or set of activities that continues something which has already been in the process or something that has completed. It is a process of making sure that work plans, meetings, activities, decisions, questions asked, projects, etc. continue to bring outputs. In the world of Erasmus+ projects, the follow up activities are designed, planned, implemented and followed-through to make sure that the participants can practice the learning outcomes in their respective regions. It makes certain of the participants bring their acquired skills into training on a smaller scale. This way, the message of the project is also proliferated.
One of the ways to look on a follow-up of any project can be divided in 4 different categories:
- Project future
- Independent ideas development
- Personal development
- Project results sustainability
“There is no special recipe for the most effective follow-up actions and dissemination of results. It very much depends on the needs of the organisation and the needs of the participants. Have they developed action plans and do they need specific support? Has the organisation made on-the-spot commitments or promises regarding the follow-up?”
Our approach
Pathway towards sustainability
From experience, when working on an international level there is always the challenge on how to transfer the outcomes of different mobilities within the local organizations afterwards. The aim of the strategic partnership is to develop guidelines and capacities for quality follow up of different youth processes, transfer of learning from international to local and national environment, and offering space for more active engagement of youth leaders within the civil society and youth field.
The research focused on mapping different mobility participants support and mentoring structures and mechanisms that youth organisations use.
Focus groups
ORganiSed on local level by the partners together and their local organizations and institutions, the focus groups provided more quality and in-depth responses.
Effective follow up of international youth mobilities on local level
The publication consists of the following structure:
Engaging with participants before the activity.
During Activity
Engaging with participants during the activity.
Post-Activity engagement with participants.
Volunteer/participant/member management.