Welcome to the e-Tool for Follow-Up Measures! The online support platform for impact assessment will be filled with information and learning modules for other organisations or youth workers to use.
The online platform will incorporate:
- A general description of the project;
- The partner consortium information;
- The European Commission and the Erasmus+ program disclaimer.
- Animated, video representation of IO1 results.
- Additional materials and tools for supporting and mentoring participants during and after learning mobilities, as well as methodologies for transfer of knowledge within youth organisations.
The most important feature → step by step interactive guideline with different tasks and activities for youth organisations on how to improve impact assessment and knowledge transfer.
The platform will offer various functionalitiess:
– uploading information about findings on methodologies, techniques and activities on better follow-up measures;
– sorting and filtering information per topic;
– creating profiles and monitoring learning for users (as creators and as visitors);
– offering e-learning opportunities (courses);
– selecting language options;
– present information using audio, images, graphics, animations, videos, etc.
– pilot testing the creation and implementation of the portal in a youth exchange.
The core topics of the platform will be:
– Supporting and mentoring of participants during all the stages of the project (preparation, implementation and follow up activities;
– Impact assessment;
– Transfer of knowledge.